So what would a week be like without a little bit of new baby stuff going on? I'd like to use the drama, but that seems a bit extreme at this point. It turns out that Margot was still lying transverse (side to side) last week, and I was 1 cm dilated... so the doctors said I could either go ahead and schedule my c-section (uh, no thanks!) or schedule a time to move her manually in the next two days. I chose option number two.
But before then, we tried everything in our power to turn her ourselves, and without pain. It should be noted that we've been doing most of these things for months now. But I'm swimming, high stepping, squatting, sitting on chairs backwards, sitting on a birthing ball, going to the chiropractor... etc.
So Thursday, Emmy
- our doula, came to the house and b
urned Moxa St
icks (Mugwort) on either side
of my pinky toes to trigger the reflexology points that should relax the uterus to let Margot move freely. So here I am pictured standing on phone books with these sort of Roman Candle things burning on either side of my feet. I stood like that for about 45 minutes, an
d the Moxa sticks smell like you're burnin
g two doobies in the back yard. I'm sure the neighbors are either scandalized or are planning to introduce themselves to us any day now.
Friday morning at 6:00, we went in for the external cephalic version... it didn't work. They turned her head up. Totally breech. I won't even go into the excruciating pain of it. But I have to think it's definitely less painful than a c-section. And if it gives Margot a boost out of her comfort zone... then I'll gladly do it again.
I feel like I've been beat about the stomach with a baseball bat.
In happier news, is this the most beautiful high chair you've ever seen in your life? Bob's parents (Bob-the-dad and Betty) ordered it for us. I absolutely adore it. Bonus features- it comes with a plastic tray cover... for when it's really time to use it. And it turns into a toddler chair when Margot's ready to eat at the table with the adults. This is really a piece of furniture that our grandchildren will use.
Thank you, Cornelius parents!
And finally, here is a fun picture taken this week. Bob is the Cha
rlie Troop Commander for 1-14 Cav. Pictured next to me is Paige and Suzanne. Paige's husband is the Bravo Troop Commander, and Suzanne's husband is the Alpha Troop Commander. They're both due mid to late November.
I said if we wanted to get a picture of us all pregnant, we needed to do it at this coffee... because by the next coffee I expect to have a baby in my arms! So here we are... A, B, and C commanders' wives.
The moral of the story: Don't drink the water at Ft. Lewis if you're not ready for a baby!