Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sooo Tired... Abort Cleanse!

Wow, I cannot even describe how much the Cleanse did NOT work! Well, maybe I am really clean on the inside, but things are not going well. They're so bad, in fact, that I am calling this project off about a week early.

To recap, I decided to forgo alcohol, processed sugar, and meat. The problem, I think, was with the sugar. Who knew there was sugar in absolutely everything! Pasta, bread, crackers, and of course things like jams and jellies. So I found that I ate fruits and vegetables, made my own muffins with honey (but those were not great) and my own salad dressings. And all of that was fine. It was. The problem was that to get the right amount of calories per day, I'd have to eat ALL DAY LONG! I'd get to the end of the day and found that I'd only eaten less than 1,000 calories.

Needless to say, without fuel there is no energy. I've been dragging since the beginning of this little project. In fact, I was so tired I didn't have the energy to make any more healthy food from scratch. It really was a vicious cycle.

Okay, so I am dreadfully fatigued, and my skin doesn't glow (which I thought it might). The only good thing I can see is that I dropped a couple of pounds. But who wouldn't when eating like a person on a starvation diet? -Not good. I've been so worn down that I haven't been able to run! Clearly something was not right.

All this started with Oprah, and bully for her that she loved the cleanse so much. The only thing I can figure is that the cleanse is probably doable when you have a creative chef willing to make your food for you.

As for me, I am returning to my prior eating habits. Upon closer examination, I think I was doing it the right way anyway. We eat organic poultry and produce. We don't eat junk food very often, and a glass of red wine is good for the heart.

Now, where are the doughnuts?

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